The Tokugawa era, 1600-1868, was a period of warrior rule and considered the last period of Japan's “Medieval Period.” It, however, brought 250 years of peace and order, a long-term stability that fostered great changes in Japanese society, readying it for entering the modern era. Japan's rapid modernization in the late nineteenth century — the so-called Meiji era — is well known. Less well known are the crucial preparatory steps that were taken in the Tokugawa period.
Join Dr. Carol Gluck for this session as part of the "Asian Topics Discussion Series" and explore key points during this period with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss various approaches to teaching the topic.
Participants are asked to review select video presentations from Asia For Educator’s Video on Asian Topicsahead of session in preparation for Q&A and discussion of teaching approaches.
Professional development hours available to those who attend upon completion of a teaching reflection form distributed at the end of the year.