About Us

The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) is a collaboration among seven East Asian Studies programs to support primary and secondary teachers in incorporating East Asia into their classrooms and to build a global competency for students.

Along with our partner sites, we provide learning opportunities through workshops, seminars, book groups and more for K-12 educators nationwide. The Freeman Book Awards identifies quality texts from picture books to graphic novels (submission guidelines). Our resources link to a wide range on online content, including primary resources and learning units aimed at students .

NCTA is funded by the Freeman Foundation. NCTA’s History.

National Coordinating Sites

Glenn Osaki
U.S.-China Institute, University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA
Email: asiak12@usc.edu

Lynn Kalinauskas
Program for Teaching East Asia, University of Colorado at Boulder

Boulder, CO
Email: lynn.kalinauskas@colorado.edu

Brenda G. Jordan
Asian Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA
Email: jordanb@pitt.edu

Roberta H. Martin
Asia for Educators, Columbia University

New York, NY 10027
Email: rhm1@columbia.edu

Morten Oxenboell
East Asian Studies Center, Indiana University

Bloomington, IN 
Email: mortoxen@indiana.edu

Anne Prescott
Five College Center for East Asian Studies at Smith College

Northampton, MA
Email: aprescott@fivecolleges.edu

Kristi Roundtree
East Asia Resource Center, University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-3650
Email: earc@u.washington.edu

NCTA partners with additional institutions to deliver its educational programing. NCTA Partner Sites.